June 29, 2022

Published by Brenda Mas

If you're like me, you had no idea what a 'syndication' was when you first ventured into your real estate investing journey. Maybe it's still not clear. In fact, the word 'syndication' alone is confusing in itself.

When it comes to real estate investing, a syndication is a group of investors that pool their capital to purchase/invest in a real estate asset. If you are looking to invest in apartment buildings this is arguably the easiest way to get started.

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to be a guest of REI Social: Social Media Mastery for Real Estate Investors and Rockin' Californian Women Real Estate Investors to discuss the fundamentals of syndication investing and why apartment syndications is a great way for newbie investors to get started in real estate investing, including...

- What is a syndication?

- Joint Ventures (JV) vs Syndication: What’s the difference?

- What to look for when evaluating a syndication investment

- Plus much more

Catch the replay of the entire presentation below

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*Disclaimer: The Mas Group™ is not a registered legal or tax advisor and/or broker/dealer. All investment and financial opinions expressed by The Mas Group™ are from personal research and experience. All information listed is for educational material. Although best efforts are made to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date, please consult with a tax or legal advisor before making any investment decision.
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